think Passion

We see passion in learning: learning from experience, from clients, from the competitive environment - each touchpoint an opportunity to grow. There’s passion in that process – taking in new information, trying new things, exploring new frontiers. That’s how we think.


Jen Perry, Principal

I’ve worked on everything from small, local business-to-business accounts to large, national consumer packaged goods companies. And I feel just as passionately about both types of clients – they just have different problems to solve.

My goal is to deeply understand your goals and your customer’s needs and find innovative solutions to the intersection between them. Your marketing strategy should be on goal and the creative execution is on-brand.

Many industries are evolving - or figuring out to evolve - in order to thrive in today’s economy. By intersecting marketing strategy with the customer’s needs and experiences we produce more effective marketing and greater brand loyalty.

I’ve worked with in-house teams, a collection of vendor consultants, or can bring in talent where you need it to get your marketing needs met. This flexibility can help you stretch budgets without sacrificing quality. Additionally, I can help mentor in-house talent to develop their marketing and business strategy skills.

“Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

—Mattie Stepanek